Healing the parent-child relationship
Creating the optimal environment for parent-child relationship repair that lasts a lifetime
Teal Dragon Healing, founded by Dr. Adena Blickstein child-adolescent psychiatrist and family energy healer specializes in child-parent relationship repair.
Tired of going to bed angry?
​If your family is experiencing disharmony, conflict, or disconnection, we invite you to reach out to Teal Dragon Healing for a family evaluation. Family evaluations determine the level of disharmony your family is experiencing and creates a reunification plan. By creating a reunification plan we can get you family on a path to healthy relationships, confidence, ease and joy as a parent or caregiver.
Let us help you build your dream family
Our solutions includes psychiatric management of child and family, family resilience training through Child-Centered Parent Training and Trauma Informed Relational Attunement Training for Providers working with children. Through optimizing the relational environement, Dr. Blickstein helps families achieve harmonious connections and rebuild healthy relationships.
Plummeting rates of anxiety and depression across all ages and diagnosis with TiRAT Protocol within 12 weeks 100% of kids lowered depression and anxiety by 95%, 6 weeks 50% lowered.​​